Django Tastypie Advanced Filtering: How to do complex lookups with Q objects

You are on the right track. However, build_filters is supposed to transition resource lookup to an ORM lookup.

The default implementation splits the query keyword based on __ into key_bits, value pairs and then tries to find a mapping between the resource looked up and its ORM equivalent.

Your code is not supposed to apply the filter there only build it. Here is an improved and fixed version:

def build_filters(self, filters=None):
    if filters is None:
        filters = {}
    orm_filters = super(BusinessResource, self).build_filters(filters)

    if('query' in filters):
        query = filters['query']
        qset = (
                Q(name__icontains=query) |
                Q(description__icontains=query) |
        orm_filters.update({'custom': qset})

    return orm_filters

def apply_filters(self, request, applicable_filters):
    if 'custom' in applicable_filters:
        custom = applicable_filters.pop('custom')
        custom = None

    semi_filtered = super(BusinessResource, self).apply_filters(request, applicable_filters)

    return semi_filtered.filter(custom) if custom else semi_filtered

Because you are using Q objects, the standard apply_filters method is not smart enough to apply your custom filter key (since there is none), however you can quickly override it and add a special filter called “custom”. In doing so your build_filters can find an appropriate filter, construct what it means and pass it as custom to apply_filters which will simply apply it directly rather than trying to unpack its value from a dictionary as an item.

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