Do I have to use mysql_real_escape_string if I bind parameters?

No, you don’t have to escape value yourself (i.e. no you don’t need to call mysqli_real_escape_string), when you are using prepared statements : the DB engine will do that itself.

(Actually, if you were calling mysql_real_escape_string and using bound parameters, your strings would get escaped twice — which would not be great : you’d end up with escaping characters everywhere…)

As a sidenote : your values are passed as integers (as indicated by the 'ii'), so you wouldn’t have to call mysql_real_escape_string, even if you were not using prepared statements : as its name indicates, this function is used to escape… strings.

For integers, I generally just use intval to make sure the data I inject into my SQL queries really are integers.

(But, as you are using prepared queries, once again, you don’t have to do that kind of escaping yourself)

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