Docker : Can a container A call an executable located on an other container B?

There are multiple solutions to your problem, I’ll let you choose the one that suits you best. They are presented below, from the cleanest to the ugliest (in my opinion and regarding the best practices generally followed).

1. Make it a service

If you end up calling it often, it may be worth exposing pandoc as an (HTTP) API. Some images already do that, for example metal3d/pandoc-server (which I already used with success, but I’m sure you can find others).

In this case, you just run a container with pandoc + pdflatex once and you’re set!

2. Use image inheritance!

Make 2 images : one with pandoc only, and the other one with pandoc + pdflatex, inheriting the first one with the FROM directive in the Dockerfile.

It will solve your concerns about size and still being able to run pandoc without having to fetch pdflatex too. Then if you need to pull the image with pdflatex, it will just be an extra layer, not the entire image.

You can also do it the other way, with a base image pdflatex and another adding pandoc to it if you find yourself using the pdflatex image alone often and rarely using the pandoc image without pdflatex. You could also make 3 images, pandoc, pdflatex, and pdflatex + pandoc, to cover every need you might have, but then you’ll have at least one image that isn’t linked in any way to the 2 others (can’t heritate a “child” image), making it a bit harder to maintain.

3. Docker client in my-pandoc-image + Docker socket mount

This is the solution that you mentionned at the end of your post, and which is probably the most generic and straightforward solution for calling other containerized commands, not taking your precise usecase of pandoc + pdflatex into account.

Just add the docker client tu your image my-pandoc-image and pass the Docker socket as volume at runtime using docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock. And if you’re concerned is not being able to make pandoc call docker run ... instead of pdflatex directly, just add a poor wrapper called pdflatex in /usr/local/bin/ which will be responsible of doing the docker run

4. Use volumes-from to get the binary

This one is probably the less clean I’ll present here. You could try getting either the pandoc binary in a pdflatex container or the pdflatex binary in a pandoc container using --volumes-from to keep everything packaged in its own Docker image. But honnestly, it’s more of a duct tape than a real solution.


You can chose the solution that best fits your needs, but I would advise the first 2 and strongly discourage the last one.

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