Does any budy know how to reproduce this hover effect on this page? [closed]

There are plenty of ways. But let me inspect how this particular site implements it.

Check the source code of the webpage, for each image, the HTML is like:

<div class="item" data-w="270" data-h="180">
  <a href="">
    <img src="/static/uploads/photo/2014/09/27/13/36/pine-463469__180.jpg" class="preview_img" data-url="/static/uploads/photo/2014/09/27/13/36/pine-463469_640.jpg" data-width="492.307692308" data-height="327.692307692" alt="Pine, Forest, Branch, Road, Conifer" title="Pine, Forest, Branch, Road, Conifer">
    <em>Pine, Forest, Branch, Road, Conifer</em>

Here you can see, they show the smaller image first, which is /static/uploads/photo/2014/09/27/13/36/pine-463469__180.jpg, and the larger image is stored in the data attribute of the <a> tag, which is data-url="/static/uploads/photo/2014/09/27/13/36/pine-463469_640.jpg". In this way, you can first load the small image to save bandwidth.

Its class preview_img is for selecting all preview images. You can see its functionality as follow. The javascript file they are using is, which is a min file. But can still search preview_img to find the code making effect:

var hover_timeout, no_preview=getCookie("no_preview");
$(document).on("mouseenter", ".preview_img", function(e) {
  var o=$(this), i=e.pageX, n=e.pageY;
  if(!no_preview || null !="force-preview")) {
    var r = o.attr("title");
    r && ("title",r), o.attr("title","")), 
      hover_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
  "height"), a=r, 
        if(s&&(a+=s),!(e+30>ww||r+30>wh||e+30>wh||r+30>ww)) {
           preview = $('<div class="open_preview_img" style="z-index:'+(max_zindex+10)+
                       '"><div style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:'+(e+2)+"px;height:"+(r+2)+
                       'px"><img style="width:'+e+"px;height:"+a+'px" src="'+o.attr("src")+'"><img style="width:'+e+'px" src="'"url")+'"></div>'+(c?"<em>"+c+"</em>":"")+"</div>").prependTo("body");

So you can see that they bind delegate the event mouseenter to all images with class preview_img. And then populate the HTML code and .prependTo("body"). And you can see the src attribute of the image is o.attr("src"), which is the url of larger image.

Most of the code here is to calculate the position/size information of the large image. Depending on you application, you can customize.

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