Does constexpr imply inline?

Yes ([dcl.constexpr], §7.1.5/2 in the C++11 standard): “constexpr functions and constexpr constructors are implicitly inline (7.1.2).”

Note, however, that the inline specifier really has very little (if any) effect upon whether a compiler is likely to expand a function inline or not. It does, however, affect the one definition rule, and from that perspective, the compiler is required to follow the same rules for a constexpr function as an inline function.

I should also add that regardless of constexpr implying inline, the rules for constexpr functions in C++11 required them to be simple enough that they were often good candidates for inline expansion (the primary exception being those that are recursive). Since then, however, the rules have gotten progressively looser, so constexpr can be applied to substantially larger, more complex functions.

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