Does Entity Framework Code First support stored procedures?

EDIT: My original answer for EF4.1 (below) is now out of date. Please see the answer below from Diego Vega (who works on the EF team at Microsoft)!

@gsharp and Shawn Mclean: Where are you getting this information? Don’t you still have access to the underlying ObjectContext?

IEnumerable<Customer> customers = 
    .ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<Customer>("select * from customers");

Replace the “select” statement with a stored proc, and there you go.

As for your other question: Yes, unfortunately your s.p.’s will get clobbered. You may need to add the “CREATE PROCEDURE” statements in your code.

For EF 4.2:

var customers = context.Database.SqlQuery<Customer>("select * from customers")

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