Does this code prevent SQL injection?

In answer to your direct question: Does this code prevent SQL injection: No

Here’s the proof – push this string through the PrepareString method:

Dim input = "'" & Chr(8) & "; Drop Table TableName; - " & Chr(8) & "-"
Dim output = PrepareString(input)


I modified the GetRecord method you posted to return the fully prepared SQL string rather than get the record from the database:


And this is the output

Input  = ; Drop Table TableName; --
Output="; Drop Table TableName; --
Query  = SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE Key = "'; Drop Table TableName; --'

Add 1 extra line of code:


And you’ve got the string you need copied right to your clipboard to paste into your input field on the website to complete your SQL injection:

'; Drop Table TableName; - -

[Noting that the control characters have been omitted from the post output by StackOverflow, so you’ll have to follow the code example to create your output]

After the PrepareString method is run, it will have the exact same output – the Chr(8) ASCII code is the backspace which will remove the extra “‘” that you’re appending to mine which will close your string and then I’m free to add whatever I want on the end. Your PrepareString doesn’t see my — because I’m actually using – – with a backspace character to remove the space.

The resulting SQL code that you’re building will then execute my Drop Table statement unhindered and promptly ignore the rest of your query.

The fun thing about this is that you can use non-printable characters to basically bypass any character check you can invent. So it’s safest to use parameterized queries (which isn’t what you asked, but is the best path to avoid this).

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