Does TortoiseGit actually make Git a lot easier to use like TortoiseSVN? [closed]

I think, you lose a lot of functionality of Git when you use TortoiseGit. From my point of view, TortoiseGit gives the user the feeling of using SVN while the actual back-end is Git.

When I was working with SVN repos, the only client I used was TortoiseSVN. No console at all.

But learning Git was quite console-driven for me, so I use the console to work with Git. There are some use cases when I fire up my TortoiseGit, for example when reading logs or resolving conflicts. But instead of Tortoise, I could also use gitk for that. And — not to forget — TortoiseGit is not the most stable piece of software.

In my opinion, the only right to exist for TortoiseGit is to catch the TortoiseSVN users that are switching to Git: they can stick to their used explorer integration and don’t have to learn a new tool when using a new VCS (IMHO, the learning curve of Git is steep enough, so some people might first focus on learning the basics of git before discovering the power of the console). And the point-and-click Windows guys don’t have to communicate with their system through a console. That’s it.

I share the opinion of Noufal: if you want to use Git, take the console, if you want to play with it, take TortoiseGit.

I do respect the work of the TortoiseGit project team that eases transition from SVN to Git for users that used TortoiseSVN before. But in my opinion: to use the full power of Git, you have to start up your Git bash. You can work with Git using TortoiseGit only, but then, you’re just scratching the surface of Git.

By the way: the TortoiseGit project description says:

TortoiseGit supports you by regular tasks, such as committing, showing logs, diffing two versions, creating branches and tags, creating patches and so on […].

So their own view of their project shares mine: TortoiseGit for scratching the surface but you’ll need other tools (i.e. the console) to discover the whole beauty of Git.

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