Does use of anonymous functions affect performance?

The performance problem here is the cost of creating a new function object at each iteration of the loop and not the fact that you use an anonymous function:

for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {    
    myObjects[i].onMyEvent = function() {
        // do something    

You are creating a thousand distinct function objects even though they have the same body of code and no binding to the lexical scope (closure). The following seems faster, on the other hand, because it simply assigns the same function reference to the array elements throughout the loop:

function myEventHandler() {
    // do something

for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    myObjects[i].onMyEvent = myEventHandler;

If you were to create the anonymous function before entering the loop, then only assign references to it to the array elements while inside the loop, you will find that there is no performance or semantic difference whatsoever when compared to the named function version:

var handler = function() {
    // do something    
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {    
    myObjects[i].onMyEvent = handler;

In short, there is no observable performance cost to using anonymous over named functions.

As an aside, it may appear from above that there is no difference between:

function myEventHandler() { /* ... */ }


var myEventHandler = function() { /* ... */ }

The former is a function declaration whereas the latter is a variable assignment to an anonymous function. Although they may appear to have the same effect, JavaScript does treat them slightly differently. To understand the difference, I recommend reading, “JavaScript function declaration ambiguity”.

The actual execution time for any approach is largely going to be dictated by the browser’s implementation of the compiler and runtime. For a complete comparison of modern browser performance, visit the JS Perf site

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