Don’t keep activities – What is it for?

I believe it’s a feature used for debugging purpose.

From the Titanium doc:

Don’t keep activities under the Developer Options menu. When this
option is enabled, the Android OS will destroy an activity as soon as
it is stopped. It is intended to help developers debug their apps. For
example, it can simulate the case that Android will kill an activity
in the background due to memory pressure. In normal use, it is not
recommended to turn this option on because this may lead to unexpected
issues on the apps, such as freezes, force closes and reboots.

It sounds like it basically helps testing deterministically how your app behaves when the OS shuts it down due to any reason (out of memory and so on).

So, this replied to point 1. Point 2 is: Yes, I guess 🙂

EDIT: further references

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