Duplicating objects in Java

Every variable in Java is a reference. So when you do

SomeClass s2 = s1;

you just point s2 to the same object as s1 points to. You are actually assigning the value of the reference s1 (which points to an instance of SomeClass) to s2. If you modify s1, s2 will be modified as well (because it points to the same object).

There is an exception, primitive types: int, double, float, boolean, char, byte, short, long. They are stored by value. So when using =, you only assign the value, but they can not point to the same object (because they are not references). This means that

int b = a;

only sets the value of b to the value of a. If you change a, b will not change.

At the end of the day, everything is assignment by value, it’s just the value of the reference and not the value of the object (with the exception of primitive types as mentioned above).

So in your case, if you want to make a copy of s1, you can do it like this:

SomeClass s1 = new SomeClass("first");
SomeClass s2 = new SomeClass(s1.getText());

Alternatively, you can add a copy constructor to SomeClass that takes an instance as argument and copies it into its own instance.

class SomeClass {
  private String text;
  // all your fields and methods go here

  public SomeClass(SomeClass copyInstance) {
    this.text = new String(copyInstance.text);

With this you can copy an object pretty easily:

SomeClass s2 = new SomeClass(s1);

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