Dynamic (Default.png) splashscreen in 3.0 [iPhone SDK]

It’s not possible in 3.0. It was only possible on 2.0 because it was an exploitable bug. The bug was fixed in 3.0 which is why it’s not possible.

Apple don’t intend the Default.png to be a “splash screen”.

If you read the HIG, you’ll see that the Default.png is suppose to represent your user interface as it would be “empty” – without any content. It is intended to give the user the illusion of an “near instant” launch.

Check out all of the Apple apps on the iPhone and you’ll see how the default.png is meant to be used properly.

Apple frown upon using the Default.png as a splash screen. They say that it is really only appropriate for apps such as games that don’t use the standard UI elements that are provided in the SDK.

That being said – lots of apps these days are using this feature to show splash screens, and seems Apple aren’t really enforcing this guideline.

Long story short, you can do a splash screen, but it can’t be dynamic – not anymore.

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