Dynamically connecting a Kafka input stream to multiple output streams

If you want to create topics dynamically based on your data, you do not get any support within Kafka’s Streaming API at the moment (v0.10.2 and earlier). You will need to create a KafkaProducer and implement your dynamic “routing” by yourself (for example using KStream#foreach() or KStream#process()). Note, that you need to do synchronous writes to avoid data loss (which are not very performant unfortunately). There are plans to extend Streaming API with dynamic topic routing, but there is no concrete timeline for this feature right now.

There is one more consideration you should take into account. If you do not know your destination topic(s) ahead of time and just rely on the so-called “topic auto creation” feature, you should make sure that those topics are being created with the desired configuration settings (e.g., number of partitions or replication factor).

As an alternative to “topic auto creation” you can also use Admin Client (available since v0.10.1) to create topics with correct configuration. See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-4+-+Command+line+and+centralized+administrative+operations

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