(Embed and) Refer to an external SVG via D3 and/or javascript

There’s a better solution.

I hadn’t realized that the d3.xml() function returns a read-in xml file as a document fragment (as opposed to converting it to JSON). In other words, it returns a ready-made DOM tree that can be inserted within you main document’s DOM wherever you need it.

Knowing that (and knowing that stand-alone SVG files are also XML files), this is likely the most reliable approach for adding external SVG content to your webpage:

        function(error, documentFragment) {

    if (error) {console.log(error); return;}

    var svgNode = documentFragment
    //use plain Javascript to extract the node

    //d3's selection.node() returns the DOM node, so we
    //can use plain Javascript to append content

    var innerSVG = main_chart_svg.select("svg");

          .attr("r", 100);


Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/J8sp3/4/

Notice in particular that (a) I am adding the content to an existing SVG, and (b) I am not deleting any of that SVG’s current content.

Of course, you can also add the SVG to a <div> or any other element that can contain it: http://jsfiddle.net/J8sp3/3/

This method should work in any browser that supports SVG. I even tried it in IE8, and the DOM structure is correct even if IE8 doesn’t know how to draw circles and rectangles!

@Seb, please unselect the previous answer at pick this one as the accepted answer.

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