Encrypt and decrypt with AES and Base64 encoding

Your Order for encrypt: getBytes, encrypt, encode, toString
Your Order for decrypt(Wrong*): getBytes, decrypt, decode, toString

Two problems:

  1. As someone already mentioned you should reverse the order of operations for decryption. You are not doing that.
  2. encrypt gives you 16 bytes, encode 24 bytes, but toString gives 106 bytes. Something to do with invalid chars taking up additional space.

Note: Also, you don’t need to call generateKey() twice.

Fix problem #1 by using the reverse order for decryption.

Correct order for decrypt: getBytes, decode, decrypt, toString

Fix problem #2 by replacing xxx.toString() with new String(xxx). Do this in both the encrypt and decrypt functions.

Your decrypt should look like this:

c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key)
val decodedValue = new Base64().decode(encryptedValue.getBytes())
val decryptedVal = c.doFinal(decodedValue)
return new String(decryptedVal)

This should give you back “dude5”

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