How can I make my AES encryption identical between Java and Objective-C (iPhone)?

Since the CCCrypt takes an IV, does it not use a chaining block cipher method (such as CBC)? This would be consistant with what you see: the first block is identical, but in the second block the Java version applies the original key to encrypt, but the OSX version seems to use something else.


From here I saw an example. Seems like you need to pass the kCCOptionECBMode to CCCrypt:

ccStatus = CCCrypt(encryptOrDecrypt,
        kCCOptionECBMode, <-- this could help
        vkey, //"123456789012345678901234", //key
        nil, //"init Vec", //iv,
        vplainText, //"Your Name", //plainText,
        (void *)bufferPtr,


I played around with some command line to see which one was right. I thought I could contribute it:

$ echo "Now then and what is this nonsense all about. Do you know?" | openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -K $(echo 1234567890123456 | xxd -p) -iv 0 | xxd 
0000000: 7a68 ea36 8288 c73d f7c4 5d8d 2243 2577  zh.6...=..]."C%w
0000010: e66b 32f9 772b 6679 d7c0 cb69 037b 8740  .k2.w+fy...i.{.@
0000020: 883f 8211 7482 29f4 7239 84be b50b 5aea  .?..t.).r9....Z.
0000030: eaa7 519b 65e8 fa26 a1bb de52 083b 478f  ..Q.e..&...R.;G.

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