fastest (low latency) method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C/C++

Just tested latency from Java on my Corei5 2.8GHz, only single byte send/received,
2 Java processes just spawned, without assigning specific CPU cores with taskset:

TCP         - 25 microseconds
Named pipes - 15 microseconds

Now explicitly specifying core masks, like taskset 1 java Srv or taskset 2 java Cli:

TCP, same cores:                      30 microseconds
TCP, explicit different cores:        22 microseconds
Named pipes, same core:               4-5 microseconds !!!!
Named pipes, taskset different cores: 7-8 microseconds !!!!


TCP overhead is visible
scheduling overhead (or core caches?) is also the culprit

At the same time Thread.sleep(0) (which as strace shows causes a single sched_yield() Linux kernel call to be executed) takes 0.3 microsecond – so named pipes scheduled to single core still have much overhead

Some shared memory measurement:
September 14, 2009 – Solace Systems announced today that its Unified Messaging Platform API can achieve an average latency of less than 700 nanoseconds using a shared memory transport.

P.S. – tried shared memory next day in the form of memory mapped files,
if busy waiting is acceptable, we can reduce latency to 0.3 microsecond
for passing a single byte with code like this:

MappedByteBuffer mem =
  new RandomAccessFile("/tmp/mapped.txt", "rw").getChannel()
  .map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, 1);

  while(mem.get(0)!=5) Thread.sleep(0); // waiting for client request
  mem.put(0, (byte)10); // sending the reply

Notes: Thread.sleep(0) is needed so 2 processes can see each other’s changes
(I don’t know of another way yet). If 2 processes forced to same core with taskset,
the latency becomes 1.5 microseconds – that’s a context switch delay

P.P.S – and 0.3 microsecond is a good number! The following code takes exactly 0.1 microsecond, while doing a primitive string concatenation only:

int j=123456789;
String ret = "my-record-key-" + j  + "-in-db";

P.P.P.S – hope this is not too much off-topic, but finally I tried replacing Thread.sleep(0) with incrementing a static volatile int variable (JVM happens to flush CPU caches when doing so) and obtained – record! – 72 nanoseconds latency java-to-java process communication!

When forced to same CPU Core, however, volatile-incrementing JVMs never yield control to each other, thus producing exactly 10 millisecond latency – Linux time quantum seems to be 5ms… So this should be used only if there is a spare core – otherwise sleep(0) is safer.

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