Fastest way to convert datatable to generic list

The problem with the sample above is that it is terribly slow. I have a DataTable with about 400 rows and this conversion takes a good 5 or 6 seconds!

It does seem like a pretty common task, so I’m surprised to not see someone here with a more performant solution.

* Update!! *
Just for kicks, I thought I would try converting using LINQ instead of iterating through the DataTable and adding to my List. The following is what I did:

   List<MyObject> returnList = new List<MyObject>();

   MyDataTable dtMyData = new MyTableAdapter().GetMyData();

   returnLists = (from l in dtMyData
                 select new MyObject
                    Active = l.IsActive,
                    Email = l.Email,
                    //About 40 more properties
                    ZipCode = l.Zipcode

The first method (iterating through each row) took 5.3 seconds and the method using LINQ took 1.8 seconds!

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