Fastest way to delete rows which cannot be grabbed with SpecialCells

One efficient solution is to tag all the rows to keep and move all the rows to delete at the end by sorting the tags.
This way, the complexity doesn’t increase with the number of rows to delete.

This example deletes in less than a second, for 50000 rows, all the rows where column I is equal to 2:

Sub DeleteMatchingRows()
    Dim rgTable As Range, rgTags As Range, data(), tags(), count&, r&

    ' load the data in an array
    Set rgTable = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    data = rgTable.Value

    ' tag all the rows to keep with the row number. Leave empty otherwise.
    ReDim tags(1 To UBound(data), 1 To 1)
    tags(1, 1) = 1  ' keep the header
    For r = 2 To UBound(data)
      If data(r, 9) <> 2 Then tags(r, 1) = r  ' if column I <> 2 keep the row

    ' insert the tags in the last column on the right
    Set rgTags = rgTable.Columns(rgTable.Columns.count + 1)
    rgTags.Value = tags

    ' sort the rows on the tags which will move the rows to delete at the end
    Union(rgTable, rgTags).Sort key1:=rgTags, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, Header:=xlYes
    count = rgTags.End(xlDown).Row

    ' delete the tags on the right and the rows that weren't tagged
    rgTable.Resize(UBound(data) - count + 1).Offset(count).EntireRow.Delete
End Sub

Note that it doesn’t alter the order of the rows.

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