Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1) – PhoneGap

If you have written (or are using) a plugin that in turn uses native C/C++ code through the NDK, this may indicate a bug in that native code.

Otherwise, this is a bug in the firmware of the device or emulator you are testing upon.

If you can reproduce this in an emulator, on a Nexus device with the original ROM, or on a variety of devices from different manufacturers, it is probably a bug in Android itself. In that case, please create a sample project that can reproduce the error, and post it along with the entire stack trace to http://b.android.com, the Android OS issue tracker.

If you are only encountering this on one device or one third-party ROM, it is probably a more specific bug — your best bet is to contact the device manufacturer or ROM publisher with your symptoms.

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