FileTransfer using XmppFrameWork in ios

Note: My XEP-0096 implementation is different from your’s. Any way you created session so just get that ID
It may help you:

- (BOOL)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveIQ:(XMPPIQ *)iq

    //**************** Handling the file transfer task *****************//
    NSLog(@"---------- Check if this IQ is for a File Transfer ----------");
   NSString *myFileTransferID = YOUR_SESSION_ID_GET_FROM_XEP--0096//[xmppFileTransfer xmppFileTransferResponse:(XMPPIQ *)iq];

    if ([myFileTransferID length]>0) {
        // Get the file size

        NSXMLElement *si = [iq elementForName:@"si"];
        NSXMLElement *file = [si elementForName:@"file"];
        if (file) {

//All are the attribute of file while creating section Id you need to take car for that
            filesize = [file attributeUInt32ValueForName:@"size"];
            received_FileOwner = [iq fromStr];
            received_FileType = [si attributeStringValueForName:@"mime-type"];
            received_FileName = [file attributeStringValueForName:@"name"];
    if([myFileTransferID length] > 0 && [[iq type] isEqualToString:@"result"]) {
        //  Create bytestream socket for File Transfer via XEP-0065
        TURNSocket *turnSocket = [[TURNSocket alloc] initWithStream:xmppStream toJID:[iq from] fileTransferSID:myFileTransferID];
        [turnSockets addObject:turnSocket];
        [turnSocket startWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
    else if([myFileTransferID length] > 0 && [[iq type] isEqualToString:@"set"]) {

        if ([TURNSocket isNewStartTURNRequest:iq]) {
            NSLog(@"TURN Connectio started:: to establish:: incoming file transfer request..");
            TURNSocket *turnSocket = [[TURNSocket alloc]initWithStream:sender incomingTURNRequest:iq withSessionID:myFileTransferID];
            [turnSocket startWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
            [turnSockets addObject:turnSocket];

TurnSocket delegates

- (void)turnSocket:(TURNSocket *)sender didSucceed:(GCDAsyncSocket *)socket
    NSLog(@"Socket Suceeed Port For File Transfer: %d",socket.localPort);
    DDLogInfo(@"TURN Connection succeeded!");
    DDLogInfo(@"You now have a socket that you can use to send/receive data to/from the other person.");

    if ([imageDataFile length]>0) {  
        // fileTransferData data to write
        [socket fileTransferData withTimeout:200.0f tag:TAG_FILETRANSFER_STREAM];
        //        [turnSockets removeObject:sender];

    else {
        fileTransferData = [[NSMutableData alloc]init];
        [socket readDataToLength:filesize withTimeout:290.0f tag:0];

- (void)turnSocketDidFail:(TURNSocket *)sender
    DDLogInfo(@"TURN Connection failed!");

    [turnSockets removeObject:sender];

- (void)readRecievedData:(NSData*)data withTurnSocket:(TURNSocket *)receiver {

     [fileTransferData appendData:data];
     float progress = (float)[fileTransferData length] / (float)[data length];

     NSLog(@"Progresaa value is: %f",progress);

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