Find all child processes of my own .NET process / find out if a given process is a child of my own?

as it happens I have a bit of C#/WMI code lying around that kills all processes spawned by a specified process id, recursively. the killing is obviously not what you want, but the finding of child processes seems to be what you’re interested in. I hope this is helpful:

    private static void KillAllProcessesSpawnedBy(UInt32 parentProcessId)
        logger.Debug("Finding processes spawned by process with Id [" + parentProcessId + "]");

        // NOTE: Process Ids are reused!
        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
            "SELECT * " +
            "FROM Win32_Process " +
            "WHERE ParentProcessId=" + parentProcessId);
        ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get();
        if (collection.Count > 0)
            logger.Debug("Killing [" + collection.Count + "] processes spawned by process with Id [" + parentProcessId + "]");
            foreach (var item in collection)
                UInt32 childProcessId = (UInt32)item["ProcessId"];
                if ((int)childProcessId != Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id)

                    Process childProcess = Process.GetProcessById((int)childProcessId);
                    logger.Debug("Killing child process [" + childProcess.ProcessName + "] with Id [" + childProcessId + "]");

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