Find USA phone numbers in python script

If you are interested in learning Regex, you could take a stab at writing it yourself. It’s not quite as hard as it’s made out to be. Sites like RegexPal allow you to enter some test data, then write and test a Regular Expression against that data. Using RegexPal, try adding some phone numbers in the various formats you expect to find them (with brackets, area codes, etc), grab a Regex cheatsheet and see how far you can get. If nothing else, it will help in reading other peoples Expressions.

Here is a modified version of your Regex, which should also match 7 and 10-digit phone numbers that lack any hyphens, spaces or dots. I added question marks after the character classes (the []s), which makes anything within them optional. I tested it in RegexPal, but as I’m still learning Regex, I’m not sure that it’s perfect. Give it a try.


It matched the following values in RegexPal:

000 000 0000

(000)000 0000
(000) 000-0000
(000) 000 0000
(000) 000.0000

000 0000


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