Authentication with 2 different tables

While trying to solve this problem myself, I found a much simpler way. I basically created a custom ServiceProvider to replace the default Auth one, which serves as a factory class for Auth, and allows you to have multiple instances for multiple login types. I also stuck it all in a package which can be found here:

It’s pretty easy to use really, just replace the AuthServiceProvider in app/config/app.php with Ollieread\Multiauth\MultiauthServiceProvider, then change app/config/auth.php to look something like this:

return array(

    'multi' => array(
        'account' => array(
            'driver' => 'eloquent',
            'model' => 'Account'
        'user' => array(
            'driver' => 'database',
            'table' => 'users'

    'reminder' => array(

        'email' => 'emails.auth.reminder',

        'table' => 'password_reminders',

        'expire' => 60,



Now you can just use Auth the same way as before, but with one slight difference:

    'email'     => $attributes['email'],
    'password'  => $attributes['password'],
    'email'     => $attributes['email'],
    'password'  => $attributes['password'],

It also allows you to be logged in as multiple user types simultaneously which was a requirement for a project I was working on. Hope it helps someone other than me.

UPDATE – 27/02/2014

For those of you that are just coming across this answer, I’ve just recently added support for reminders, which can be accessed in the same factory style way.

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