Finding islands of zeros in a sequence

These are the steps I would take to solve your problem in a vectorized way, starting with a given vector sig:

  • First, threshold the vector to get a vector tsig of zeros and ones (zeroes where the absolute value of the signal drops close enough to zero, ones elsewhere):

    tsig = (abs(sig) >= eps);  %# Using eps as the threshold
  • Next, find the starting indices, ending indices, and duration of each string of zeroes using the functions DIFF and FIND:

    dsig = diff([1 tsig 1]);
    startIndex = find(dsig < 0);
    endIndex = find(dsig > 0)-1;
    duration = endIndex-startIndex+1;
  • Then, find the strings of zeroes with a duration greater than or equal to some value (such as 3, from your example):

    stringIndex = (duration >= 3);
    startIndex = startIndex(stringIndex);
    endIndex = endIndex(stringIndex);
  • Finally, use the method from my answer to the linked question to generate your final set of indices:

    indices = zeros(1,max(endIndex)+1);
    indices(startIndex) = 1;
    indices(endIndex+1) = indices(endIndex+1)-1;
    indices = find(cumsum(indices));

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