Garbage Collection should have removed object but WeakReference.IsAlive still returning true

Hit the same issue as you – my test was passing everywhere, except for under NCrunch (could be any other instrumentation in your case). Hm. Debugging with SOS revealed additional roots held on a call stack of a test method. My guess is that they were a result of code instrumentation that disabled any compiler optimizations, including those that correctly compute object reachability.

The cure here is quite simple – don’t ever hold strong references from a method that does GC and tests for aliveness. This can be easily achieved with a trivial helper method. The change below made your test case pass with NCrunch, where it was originally failing.

public void WeakReferenceTest2()
    var wRef2 = CallInItsOwnScope(() =>
        var obj = new object();
        var wRef = new WeakReference(obj);

        wRef.IsAlive.Should().BeTrue(); //passes


        wRef.IsAlive.Should().BeTrue(); //passes
        return wRef;


    wRef2.IsAlive.Should().BeFalse(); //used to fail, now passes

private T CallInItsOwnScope<T>(Func<T> getter)
    return getter();

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