How do events cause memory leaks in C# and how do Weak References help mitigate that?

When a listener attaches an event listener to an event, the source object will get a reference to the listener object. This means that the listener cannot be collected by the garbage collector until either the event handler is detached, or the source object is collected.

Consider the following classes:

class Source
    public event EventHandler SomeEvent;

class Listener
    public Listener(Source source)
        // attach an event listner; this adds a reference to the
        // source_SomeEvent method in this instance to the invocation list
        // of SomeEvent in source
        source.SomeEvent += new EventHandler(source_SomeEvent);

    void source_SomeEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // whatever

…and then the following code:

Source newSource = new Source();
Listener listener = new Listener(newSource);
listener = null;

Even though we assign null to listener, it will not be eligible for garbage collection, since newSource is still holding a reference to the event handler (Listener.source_SomeEvent). To fix this kind of leak, it is important to always detach event listeners when they are no longer needed.

The above sample is written to focus on the problem with the leak. In order to fix that code, the easiest will perhaps be to let Listener hold on to a reference to Source, so that it can later detach the event listener:

class Listener
    private Source _source;
    public Listener(Source source)
        _source = source;
        // attach an event listner; this adds a reference to the
        // source_SomeEvent method in this instance to the invocation list
        // of SomeEvent in source
        _source.SomeEvent += source_SomeEvent;

    void source_SomeEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // whatever

    public void Close()
        if (_source != null)
            // detach event handler
            _source.SomeEvent -= source_SomeEvent;
            _source = null;

Then the calling code can signal that it is done using the object, which will remove the reference that Source has to ´Listener`;

Source newSource = new Source();
Listener listener = new Listener(newSource);
// use listener
listener = null;

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