General method to find submatrix in matlab matrix

Here is low-performance, but (supposedly) arbitrary dimensional function. It uses find to create a list of (linear) indices of potential matching positions in total and then just checks if the appropriately sized subblock of total matches sub.

function loc = matrixFind(total, sub)
%matrixFind find position of array in another array

    % initialize result
    loc = [];

    % pre-check: do all elements of sub exist in total?
    elements_in_both = intersect(sub(:), total(:));
    if numel(elements_in_both) < numel(unique(sub))
        % if not, return nothing

    % select a pivot element
    % Improvement: use least common element in total for less iterations
    pivot_element = sub(1);

    % determine linear index of all occurences of pivot_elemnent in total
    starting_positions = find(total == pivot_element);

    % prepare cell arrays for variable length subscript vectors
    [subscripts, subscript_ranges] = deal(cell([1, ndims(total)]));

    for k = 1:length(starting_positions)
        % fill subscript vector for starting position
        [subscripts{:}] = ind2sub(size(total), starting_positions(k));

        % add offsets according to size of sub per dimension
        for m = 1:length(subscripts)
            subscript_ranges{m} = subscripts{m}:subscripts{m} + size(sub, m) - 1;

        % is subblock of total equal to sub
        if isequal(total(subscript_ranges{:}), sub)
            loc = [loc; cell2mat(subscripts)]; %#ok<AGROW>

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