Generic higher order function

Here’s the inline magic.
Let’s take kvb’s code and define a single gmap function that handles all cases:

let inline gmap f (x, y) = f $ x, f $ y

type One = One with static member ($) (One, x) = 1  // Example1 ConvertAll
type Id  = Id  with static member ($) (Id , x) = x  // Example2 PassThrough

type SeqSingleton  = SeqSingleton  with static member ($) (SeqSingleton , x) = seq [x]
type ListSingleton = ListSingleton with static member ($) (ListSingleton, x) = [x]
type ListHead      = ListHead      with static member ($) (ListHead, x) = List.head x

// Usage
let pair1 = gmap One ("test", true)
let pair2 = gmap Id  ("test", true)
let pair3 = gmap SeqSingleton  ("test", true)
let pair4 = gmap ListSingleton ("test", true)
let pair5 = gmap ListHead (["test";"test2"], [true;false])

let pair6 = ("test", true) |> gmap ListSingleton |> gmap ListHead

(* results
val pair1 : int * int = (1, 1)
val pair2 : string * bool = ("test", true)
val pair3 : seq<string> * seq<bool> = (["test"], [true])
val pair4 : string list * bool list = (["test"], [true])
val pair5 : string * bool = ("test", true)
val pair6 : string * bool = ("test", true)


It’s also possible to use the even more generic gmap function defined here then it will also work with n-uples (n < 9).

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