How to call a named constructor from a generic function in Dart/Flutter

Dart does not support instantiating from a generic type parameter. It doesn’t matter if you want to use a named or default constructor (T() also does not work).

There is probably a way to do that on the server, where dart:mirrors (reflection) is available (not tried myself yet), but not in Flutter or the browser.

You would need to maintain a map of types to factory functions

void main() async {
  final double abc = 1.4;
  int x = abc.toInt();
//  int y = abc - x;
  final t = make<Test>(5);

abstract class Interface {
  Interface.func(int x);

class Test implements Interface {
  Test.func(int x) {}

/// Add factory functions for every Type and every constructor you want to make available to `make`
final factories = <Type, Function>{Test: (int x) => Test.func(x)};

T make<T extends Interface>(int x) {
  return factories[T](x);

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