Get-Content and show control characters such as `r – visualize control characters in strings

One way is to use Get-Content’s -Encoding parameter e.g.:

Get-Content foo.txt -Encoding byte | % {"0x{0:X2}" -f $_}

If you have the PowerShell Community Extensions, you can use the Format-Hex command:

Format-Hex foo.txt

Address:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F ASCII
-------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------
00000000 61 73 66 09 61 73 64 66 61 73 64 66 09 61 73 64 asf.asdfasdf.asd
00000010 66 61 73 0D 0A 61 73 64 66 0D 0A 61 73 09 61 73

If you really want to see “\r\n” in the output than do what BaconBits suggests but you have to use the -Raw parameter e.g.:

(Get-Content foo.txt -Raw) -replace '\r','\r' -replace '\n','\n' -replace '\t','\t'



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