git log and show on a bare repo

Yes, this is normal for new bare (and non-bare) repositories.


HEAD is what Git calls a symbolic reference—a reference to another reference.

In non-bare repositories, HEAD normally indicates which branch is currently checked out. A new commit will cause the branch named by HEAD to be advanced to refer to the new commit. When HEAD refers to a commit object directly instead of a branch, it’s considered to be detached, meaning further commits will not cause a branch reference to be advanced to refer to the new commits (dangerous because checking out a different commit or branch will render the new commits unreachable by any existing reference, making them hard to find and subject to garbage collection).

In bare repositories, HEAD indicates the repository’s default branch, so that in a clone of the repository git checkout origin is equivalent to git checkout origin/master if master is the default branch (see git help rev-parse for details).

When Git initializes a new repository, it initializes HEAD to refer to refs/heads/master (in other words, HEAD points to the master branch by default). However, it does not create a branch named master because there are no commits in the repository for master to point to yet.

So until you either create a master branch or change HEAD to point to a branch that does exist, you’ll get that error when you run a command that looks at HEAD (such as git log or git show without any arguments).

You can still use commands that don’t examine HEAD. For example:

git log some_branch_that_exists


To get rid of the error message, you can do one of the following:

  • Change HEAD to point to a branch that does exist:

    git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/some_other_branch
  • Push a new master branch into the repository from somewhere else
  • Create a new master branch locally:

    git branch master some_existing_commit


To visualize everything in the repository, I use something like this:

git log --graph --oneline --date-order --decorate --color --all

Note that the above command will work even if HEAD is pointing to a non-existent branch.

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