Google apps script: how to persist data in spreadsheet between different function calls?

Both ScriptProperties and ScriptDB are deprecated.

Instead, you should be using the new class PropertiesService which is split into three sections of narrowing scope:

  • Document – Gets a property store that all users can access within the current document, if the script is published as an add-on.
  • Script – Gets a property store that all users can access, but only within this script.
  • User – Gets a property store that only the current user can access, and only within this script.

Here’s an example persisting a user property across calls:

var properties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

function saveValue(lastDate) {
  properties.setProperty('lastCalled', lastDate);

function getValue() {
  return properties.getProperty('lastCalled');

The script execution environment is stateless, so you cannot access local variables from previous runs, but you can store getScriptProperties() in a local variable because it will be re-run for each return trip to the server so it can be called in either method.

If you need to store something on a more temporary basis, you can use the CacheService API

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