Group array of object nesting some of the keys with specific names

This can be done with a clever combinartion of and _.groupBy.

const items = [
    tab: 'Results',
    section: '2017',
    title: 'Full year Results',
    description: 'Something here',
    tab: 'Results',
    section: '2017',
    title: 'Half year Results',
    description: 'Something here',
    tab: 'Reports',
    section: 'Marketing',
    title: 'First Report',
    description: 'Something here',

function groupAndMap(items, itemKey, childKey, predic){
    return,itemKey), (obj,key) => ({
        [itemKey]: key,
        [childKey]: (predic && predic(obj)) || obj

var result = groupAndMap(items,"tab","sections", 
                   arr => groupAndMap(arr,"section", "items"));

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