Group consecutive rows of same value using time spans

If you’re using SQLServer 2012 or better you can use LAG to get the previous value of a column, then SUM() OVER (ORDER BY ...) to create a rolling sum, in this case one that count the change of the CourseName, that can be used as the GROUP BY anchor

With A AS (
  SELECT ClassRoom
       , CourseName
       , StartTime
       , EndTime
       , PrevCourse = LAG(CourseName, 1, CourseName) OVER (ORDER BY StartTime)
  FROM   Table1
), B AS (
  SELECT ClassRoom
       , CourseName
       , StartTime
       , EndTime
       , Ranker = SUM(CASE WHEN CourseName = PrevCourse THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
                OVER (ORDER BY StartTime, CourseName)
  FROM   A
SELECT ClassRoom
     , CourseName
     , MIN(StartTime) StartTime
     , MAX(EndTime) EndTime
GROUP BY ClassRoom, CourseName, Ranker
ORDER BY StartTime

SQLFiddle demo

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