Gson custom deseralizer for one variable in an object

You need to register a custom type adapter for the Apple type. In the type adapter, you will add logic to determine if you were given an array or a single object. Using that info, you can create your Apple object.

In adition to the below code, modify your Apple model object so that the seeds field isn’t automatically parsed. Change the variable declaration to something like:

private List<Seed> seeds_funkyName;

Here is the code:

GsonBuilder b = new GsonBuilder();
b.registerTypeAdapter(Apple.class, new JsonDeserializer<Apple>() {
    public Apple deserialize(JsonElement arg0, Type arg1,
        JsonDeserializationContext arg2) throws JsonParseException {
        JsonObject appleObj = arg0.getAsJsonObject();
        Gson g = new Gson();
        // Construct an apple (this shouldn't try to parse the seeds stuff
        Apple a = g.fromJson(arg0, Apple.class);
        List<Seed> seeds = null;
        // Check to see if we were given a list or a single seed
        if (appleObj.get("seeds").isJsonArray()) {
            // if it's a list, just parse that from the JSON
            seeds = g.fromJson(appleObj.get("seeds"),
                    new TypeToken<List<Seed>>() {
        } else {
            // otherwise, parse the single seed,
            // and add it to the list
            Seed single = g.fromJson(appleObj.get("seeds"), Seed.class);
            seeds = new ArrayList<Seed>();
        // set the correct seed list
        return a;

For some more info, see the Gson guide.

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