Hibernate: comparing current & previous record

Two easy options spring to mind:

  1. Evict oldEntity before saving newEntity
  2. Use session.merge() on oldEntity to replace the version in the session cache (newEntity) with the original (oldEntity)

EDIT: to elaborate a little, the problem here is that Hibernate keeps a persistence context, which is the objects being monitored as part of each session. You can’t do update() on a detached object (one not in the context) while there’s an attached object in the context. This should work:

HibernateSession sess = ...;
MyEntity oldEntity = (MyEntity) sess.load(...);
sess.evict(oldEntity); // old is now not in the session's persistence context
MyEntity newEntity = (MyEntity) sess.load(...); // new is the only one in the context now
newEntity.setProperty("new value");
// Evaluate differences
sess.update(newEntity); // saving the one that's in the context anyway = fine

and so should this:

HibernateSession sess = ...;
MyEntity newEntity = (MyEntity) sess.load(...);
newEntity.setProperty("new value");
sess.evict(newEntity); // otherwise load() will return the same object again from the context
MyEntity oldEntity = (MyEntity) sess.load(...); // fresh copy into the context
sess.merge(newEntity); // replaces old in the context with this one

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