Hibernate recursive many-to-many association with the same entity

@ManyToMany to self is rather confusing because the way you’d normally model this differs from the “Hibernate” way. Your problem is you’re missing another collection.

Think of it this way – if you’re mapping “author”https://stackoverflow.com/”book” as many-to-many, you need “authors” collection on Book and “books” collection on Author. In this case, your “User” entity represents both ends of a relationship; so you need “my friends” and “friend of” collections:

private List<User> friends;

private List<User> friendOf;

You can still use the same association table, but note that join / inverseJon columns are swapped on collections.

The “friends” and “friendOf” collections may or may not match (depending on whether your “friendship” is always mutual) and you don’t have to expose them this way in your API, of course, but that’s the way to map it in Hibernate.

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