How can a process intercept stdout and stderr of another process on Linux?

Since I’m not allowed to edit Jauco’s answer, I’ll give the full answer that worked for me (Russell’s page relies on un-guaranteed behaviour that, if you close file descriptor 1 for STDOUT, the next creat call will open FD 1.

So, run a simple endless script like this:

import time

while True:
    print 'test'

Save it to, run with

$ python

Get the PID:

$ ps auxw | grep

Now, attach gdb:

$ gdb -p (pid)

and do the fd magic:

(gdb) call creat("/tmp/stdout", 0600)
$1 = 3
(gdb) call dup2(3, 1)
$2 = 1

Now you can tail /tmp/stdout and see the output that used to go to STDOUT.

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