How can I add a condition inside a php array?

Unfortunately that’s not possible at all.

If having the item but with a NULL value is ok, use this:

$anArray = array(
   "theFirstItem" => "a first item",
   "conditionalItem" => $condition ? "it may appear base on the condition" : NULL,
   "theLastItem"  => "the last item"

Otherwise you have to do it like that:

$anArray = array(
   "theFirstItem" => "a first item",
   "theLastItem"  => "the last item"

if($condition) {
   $anArray['conditionalItem'] = "it may appear base on the condition";

If the order matters, it’ll be even uglier:

$anArray = array("theFirstItem" => "a first item");
if($condition) {
   $anArray['conditionalItem'] = "it may appear base on the condition";
$anArray['theLastItem'] = "the last item";

You could make this a little bit more readable though:

$anArray = array();
$anArray['theFirstItem'] = "a first item";
if($condition) {
   $anArray['conditionalItem'] = "it may appear base on the condition";
$anArray['theLastItem'] = "the last item";

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