How can I add rows and columns to a JavaFX 8 TableView

Use a List<String> (for example) for the data type, and just set the cell value factory as a callback that indexes into the list.

For example, this will create a TableView<List<String>> that is constructed out of an arbitrary tab-delimited text file. Not all rows in the file need have the same number of elements (it will pad with blanks). (It doesn’t support escaped tabs, etc):

public TableView<List<String>> readTabDelimitedFileIntoTable(Path file) throws IOException {
    TableView<List<String>> table = new TableView<>();
    Files.lines(file).map(line -> line.split("\t")).forEach(values -> {
        // Add extra columns if necessary:
        for (int i = table.getColumns().size(); i < values.length; i++) {
            TableColumn<List<String>, String> col = new TableColumn<>("Column "+(i+1));
            final int colIndex = i ;
            col.setCellValueFactory(data -> {
                List<String> rowValues = data.getValue();
                String cellValue ;
                if (colIndex < rowValues.size()) {
                    cellValue = rowValues.get(colIndex);
                } else {
                     cellValue = "" ;
                return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(cellValue);

        // add row:
    return table ;

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