How can I animate multiple elements sequentially using jQuery?

Queue only works if your animating the same element. Lord knows why the above got voted up but it will not work.

You will need to use the animation callback. You can pass in a function as the last param to the animate function and it will get called after the animation has completed. However if you have multiple nested animations with callbacks the script will get pretty unreadable.

I suggest the following plugin which re-writes the native jQuery animate function and allows you to specify a queue name. All animations that you add with the same queue name will be run sequentially as demonstrated here.

Example script

  $("#1").animate({marginTop: "100px"}, {duration: 100, queue: "global"});
  $("#2").animate({marginTop: "100px"}, {duration: 100, queue: "global"});
  $("#3").animate({marginTop: "100px"}, {duration: 100, queue: "global"});

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