How can I fix “build failed, do you want to continue”? In Visual Studio Code

The problem was solved.

I resolved this issue by clearing the workspace cache in Visual Studio Code. Here is a link to the relevant page: Visual Studio Code Clean Workspace Directory. I had renamed a number of folders, class names and packages.

Apparently the Red Hat Developer plugin managed to get out of sync. The .classpath file was out of sync with the POM file. Wiping out the workspace cache caused the plugin to recreate project data from the Maven specification. The problem was solved. I am not sure, but if anyone from the Red Hat project reads this, it looks to me like a bug, or deficiency. In any event it can be worked around.

Original answer:

I think Liu Bei was not clear enough. I am experiencing the same issue. I have a project that builds perfectly in Maven and when I launch the debugger in Visual Studio Code this notification appears in the lower right-hand corner of the Visual Studio Code window.

Enter image description here

Obviously the “Debugger for Java” extension thinks there is a build problem. However there are no errors reported in the PROBLEMS, OUTPUT, DEBUG CONSOLE or TERMINAL tabs.

The project builds, and packages in Maven just fine and it can be debugged in attach mode which is tedious at best.

There is something going on in Visual Studio Code that’s not being reported anywhere that I can find. I suspect the RedHat Visual Studio Code plugin for Java is in the mix, but I need help figuring out how to work around the issue.

I have to say that we are spending way too much time resolving issues with tools and dependencies and not enough time on the app. The project we are working on is intended for open source distribution. The Spring Framework seems ideal for our purposes, but the tooling, not so much. We are not very far into the project and I am already receiving pressure to switch to ASP.NET Core.

I really need a little help…

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