How can I merge multiple tabs in a Google Spreadsheet using Google App Script?

=query({Sheet1!A1:C; Sheet2!A1:C; Sheet3!A1:C}, "where Col1 is not null", 0)

I wouldn’t use a script for this; the worksheet formulas are much faster, at least most of the time.
Make sure you use semicolons to separate the ranges. Semicolons are the End_Of_Row operator for array literals.

If you really want to use a script…

function combineSheets() {
  var sApp = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var s1= sApp.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
  var s2= sApp.getSheetByName("Sheet2");
  var s3= sApp.getSheetByName("Sheet3");
  var s4= sApp.getSheetByName("Sheet4");
  //  If Sheet4 doesn't exist you'll need to create it here.
  var s1values = s1.getRange(1,1,s1.getLastRow(),3).getValues();
  var s2values = s2.getRange(1,1,s2.getLastRow(),3).getValues();
  var s3values = s3.getRange(1,1,s3.getLastRow(),3).getValues();
  //  Now, we can put out all together and stuff it in Sheet4
  var s4values = [];
  s4values =  s1values.concat(s2values,s3values);

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