How can I pre-set arguments in JavaScript function call? (Partial Function Application)

First of all, you need a partial – there is a difference between a partial and a curry – and here is all you need, without a framework:

function partial(func /*, 0..n args */) {
  var args =, 1);
  return function() {
    var allArguments = args.concat(;
    return func.apply(this, allArguments);

Now, using your example, you can do exactly what you are after:

partial(out, "hello")("world");
partial(out, "hello", "world")();

// and here is my own extended example
var sayHelloTo = partial(out, "Hello");

The partial() function could be used to implement, but is not currying. Here is a quote from a blog post on the difference:

Where partial application takes a function and from it builds a function which takes fewer arguments, currying builds functions which take multiple arguments by composition of functions which each take a single argument.

Hope that helps.

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