How can I refresh a page when a database is updated?

This is how I recently implemented a solution using jQuery.

PHP increments a field in the database every time a significant update occurs.


//  Call this function when data changes
function update_clients()
    mysql_query( "UPDATE pageGen SET id = id + 1 LIMIT 1" );

//  Call this function to get the ID to pass to JavaScript
function get_update()
    $result = mysql_query( "SELECT id FROM pageGen LIMIT 1" );
    $update = mysql_result( $result, 0, 'id' );
    return $update;


When the page is initially loaded, populate a JavaScript variable with a number from the database:

<script type="text/javascript">
var pageGenID = 25218603  //  generated by PHP
var processUpdate = function( response ) 
    if ( pageGenID < response ) 
        pageGenID = response;
//  Compare our Page Generate ID against that of the server
var checkUpdates = function()
    serverPoll = setInterval( function()
          { lastupdate: 1 }, 
          processUpdate, 'html');
    }, 10000 )

//  Check for updates every 10 seconds
$( document ).ready( checkUpdates );


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