How can I share a class between processes?

multiprocessing.Value isn’t designed to be used with custom classes, it’s supposed to be similar to a multiprocessing.sharedctypes.Value. Instead, you need to create a custom manager and register your class with it. Your life will also be easier if you don’t access value directly, but modify/access it via methods, which will get exported by the default Proxy created for your class by default. Regular attributes (like Counter.value) aren’t, so they aren’t accessible without additional customization. Here’s a working example:

import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

class MyManager(BaseManager): pass

def Manager():
    m = MyManager()
    return m 

class Counter(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self._value = 0

  def update(self, value):
    self._value += value

  def get_value(self):
      return self._value

MyManager.register('Counter', Counter)

def update(counter_proxy, thread_id):
  print counter_proxy.get_value(), 't%s' % thread_id, \
  return counter_proxy

def main():
  manager = Manager()
  counter = manager.Counter()
  pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
  for i in range(10):
    pool.apply(func=update, args=(counter, i))

  print 'Should be 10 but is %s.' % counter.get_value()

if __name__ == '__main__':


1 t0 PoolWorker-2
2 t1 PoolWorker-8
3 t2 PoolWorker-4
4 t3 PoolWorker-5
5 t4 PoolWorker-6
6 t5 PoolWorker-7
7 t6 PoolWorker-3
8 t7 PoolWorker-9
9 t8 PoolWorker-2
10 t9 PoolWorker-8
Should be 10 but is 10.

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