How do boost::variant and boost::any work?

If you read the boost::any documentation they provide the source for the idea:

It’s basic information hiding, an essential C++ skill to have. Learn it!

Since the highest voted answer here is totally incorrect, and I have my doubts that people will actually go look at the source to verify that fact, here’s a basic implementation of an any like interface that will wrap any type with an f() function and allow it to be called:

struct f_any
   f_any() : ptr() {}
   ~f_any() { delete ptr; }
   bool valid() const { return ptr != 0; }
   void f() { assert(ptr); ptr->f(); }

   struct placeholder
     virtual ~placeholder() {}
     virtual void f() const = 0;

   template < typename T >
   struct impl : placeholder
     impl(T const& t) : val(t) {}
     void f() const { val.f(); }
     T val;
   // ptr can now point to the entire family of 
   // struct types generated from impl<T>
   placeholder * ptr;

   template < typename T >
   f_any(T const& t) : ptr(new impl<T>(t)) {}

  // assignment, etc...

boost::any does the same basic thing except that f() actually returns typeinfo const& and provides other information access to the any_cast function to work.

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