How do I can post a multiple photos via Facebook API

You can now publish multiple images in a single post to your feed or page:

For each photo in the story, upload it unpublished using the {user-id}/photos endpoint with the argument published=false.

You’ll get an ID for each photo you upload like this:

  "id": "10153677042736789"

Publish a multi-photo story using the {user-id}/feed endpoint and using the ids returned by uploading a photo

 $response = $facebook->api("/me/feed", 'POST',
    'access_token=' => $access_token,
    'message' => 'Testing multi-photo post!',
    'attached_media[0]' => '{"media_fbid":"1002088839996"}',
    'attached_media[1]' => '{"media_fbid":"1002088840149"}'

Source: Publishing a multi-photo story

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