How do I determine the last day of the previous month using PostgreSQL?

Both solutions include the last day of the previous month and also include all of “today”.

For a date column:

FROM   tbl
WHERE  my_date BETWEEN date_trunc('month', now())::date - 1
               AND     now()::date

You can subtract plain integer values from a date (but not from a timestamp) to subtract days. This is the simplest and fastest way.

For a timestamp column:

FROM   tbl
WHERE  my_timestamp >= date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1 day'
AND    my_timestamp <  date_trunc('day'  , now()) + interval '1 day'

I use the < operator for the second condition to get precise results (read: “before tomorrow”).

I do not cast to date in the second query. Instead I add an interval '1 day', to avoid casting back and forth.

Have a look at date / time types and functions in the manual.

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